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Unit Test Using Commands Instead Of Mocks 🔗

Say you wrote some code to benchmark incremental builds:

func Benchmark(
    binary string, sourcePath string,
    resultPath string, numBuilds int) error {
  if err := build(binary); err != nil {
    return err
  source, err := read(sourcePath)
  if err != nil {
    return err
  deltas := []time.Duration{}
  for i := 0; i < numBuilds; i++ {
    if err := write(
        edit(source, i)); err != nil {
      return err
    start := now()
    if err := build(binary); err != nil {
      return err
    delta := now().Sub(start)
    deltas = append(deltas, delta)
    if err := revert(sourcePath); err != nil {
      return err
  return write(resultPath, report(deltas))

func Main() error {
  // these values would come from flags
  return Benchmark(
    "binary", "source_path",
    "result_path", 3 /* numBuilds */)

// compiler
func build(binary string) error {
  /* ... */

// file system
func read(path string) (string, error) {
  /* ... */

// self-contained
func edit(content string, delta int) string {
  /* ... */

// file system
func write(path string, content string) error {
  /* ... */

// time
func now() time.Time {
  return time.Now()

// version control
func revert(path string) error {
  /* ... */

// self-contained
func report(deltas []time.Duration) string {
  /* ... */


How would you test the Benchmark function? It has multiple external dependencies:

Some people would only unit test the functions edit and report, which don’t have external dependencies, and not the rest.

Move More Code To Main 🔗

Sometimes it is possible to move more code to the Main function to make the remaining code easier to test:

func Benchmark(
    binary string,
    sourcePath string,
    source string,
    numBuilds int) (string, error) {
  deltas := []time.Duration{}
  for i := 0; i < numBuilds; i++ {
    if err := write(
        edit(source, i)); err != nil {
      return "", err
    start := now()
    if err := build(binary); err != nil {
      return "", err
    delta := now().Sub(start)
    deltas = append(deltas, delta)
    if err := revert(sourcePath); err != nil {
      return "", err
  return report(deltas), nil

func Main() error {
  // these values would come from flags
  binary := "binary"
  sourcePath := "source_path"
  resultPath := "result_path"
  if err := build(binary); err != nil {
    return err
  source, err := read(sourcePath)
  if err != nil {
    return err
  result, err := Benchmark(
    binary, sourcePath,
    source, 3 /* numBuilds */)
  if err != nil {
    return err
  return write(resultPath, result)

In this case doing this is not enough.

Use Dependency Injection 🔗

One way to make this code more testable (with fast, reliable, self-contained unit tests) is to use dependency injection and fakes. Normally you would inject a separate parameter for Compiler, FileSystem, Timer, VersionControl. I’ve injected a single parameter Delegate to simplify:

type Delegate interface {
  Build(binary string) error
  Read(path string) (string, error)
  Write(path string, content string) error
  Now() time.Time
  Revert(path string) error

type Benchmark struct {
  Delegate Delegate

func (b *Benchmark) Benchmark(
    binary string, sourcePath string,
    resultPath string, numBuilds int) error {
  if err := b.Delegate.Build(
      binary); err != nil {
    return err
  source, err := b.Delegate.Read(sourcePath)
  if err != nil {
    return err
  deltas := []time.Duration{}
  for i := 0; i < numBuilds; i++ {
    if err := b.Delegate.Write(
        edit(source, i)); err != nil {
      return err
    start := b.Delegate.Now()
    if err := b.Delegate.Build(
        binary); err != nil {
      return err
    delta := b.Delegate.Now().Sub(start)
    deltas = append(deltas, delta)
    if err := b.Delegate.Revert(
        sourcePath); err != nil {
      return err
  return b.Delegate.Write(
    resultPath, report(deltas))

type RealDelegate struct {

func Main() error {
  bench := Benchmark{Delegate: &RealDelegate{}}
  // these values would come from flags
  return bench.Benchmark(
    "binary", "source_path",
    "result_path", 3 /* numBuilds */)

// self-contained
func edit(content string, delta int) string {
  /* ... */

// self-contained
func report(deltas []time.Duration) string {
  /* ... */

// compiler
func (d *RealDelegate) Build(
    binary string) error {
  /* ... */

// file system
func (d *RealDelegate) Read(
    path string) (string, error) {
  /* ... */

// file system
func (d *RealDelegate) Write(
    path string, content string) error {
  /* ... */

// time
func (d *RealDelegate) Now() time.Time {
  return time.Now()

// version control
func (d *RealDelegate) Revert(
    path string) error {
  /* ... */

This makes it possible to create a FakeDelegate for the unit tests. But it is still a lot of work, specially in the Go language, to make this fake / mock / stub configurable to be able to control what it returns and perhaps also assert on the calls made.

Use Commands 🔗

Another way to make the original code more testable is to turn everything into commands that go through a single Runner:

type Runner interface {
    command string,
    args ...string) (string, error)

type Benchmark struct {
  Runner Runner

func (b *Benchmark) Benchmark(
    binary string, sourcePath string,
    resultPath string, numBuilds int) error {
  if err :=; err != nil {
    return err
  source, err :=
  if err != nil {
    return err
  deltas := []float64{}
  for i := 0; i < numBuilds; i++ {
    if err := b.write(
        edit(source, i)); err != nil {
      return err
    start, err :=
    if err != nil {
      return err
    if err :=; err != nil {
      return err
    end, err :=
    if err != nil {
      return err
    delta := end.Sub(start).Seconds()
    deltas = append(deltas, delta)
    if err := b.revert(sourcePath); err != nil {
      return err
  return b.write(resultPath, report(deltas))

type RealRunner struct {

func Main() error {
  bench := Benchmark{Runner: &RealRunner{}}
  // these values would come from flags
  return bench.Benchmark(
    "binary", "source_path",
    "result_path", 3 /* numBuilds */)

// self-contained
func edit(content string, delta int) string {
  return fmt.Sprintf("%s+%d", content, delta)

// self-contained
func report(deltas []float64) string {
  return fmt.Sprintf("%v", deltas)

// compiler
func (b *Benchmark) build(binary string) error {
  _, err := b.Runner.Run("build", binary)
  return err

// file system
func (b *Benchmark) read(
    path string) (string, error) {
  return b.Runner.Run("read", path)

// file system
func (b *Benchmark) write(
    path string, content string) error {
  _, err := b.Runner.Run("write", path, content)
  return err

// time
func (b *Benchmark) now() (time.Time, error) {
  out, err := b.Runner.Run("now")
  if err != nil {
    return time.Time{}, err
  res, err := time.Parse(time.UnixDate, out)
  if err != nil {
    return time.Time{}, err
  return res, nil

// version control
func (b *Benchmark) revert(path string) error {
  _, err := b.Runner.Run("revert", path)
  return err

func (r *RealRunner) Run(
    command string,
    args ...string) (string, error) {
  /* ... */

FakeRunner 🔗

This makes it much easier to create a fully configurable FakeRunner for the unit tests:

type FakeRunner struct {
  results []Result
  index   int

type Result struct {
  cmd string
  out string
  err error

func (f *FakeRunner) Run(
    command string,
    args ...string) (string, error) {
  if f.index >= len(f.results) {
    return "", fmt.Errorf(
      "Run %s %v index %d too high " +
      "for results %v", command, args,
      f.index, f.results)
  res := f.results[f.index]
  got := join(command, args...)
  // would use diff.Diff
  if res.cmd != got {
    return "", fmt.Errorf(
      "Run %s %v got %s want %s",
      command, args, got, res.cmd)
  return res.out, res.err

func join(
    command string,
    args ...string) string {
  return strings.Join(
    append([]string{command}, args...), " ")

func TestRun(t *testing.T) {
  inputs := []struct {
    results []Result
    results: []Result{{
      cmd: "build binary",
    }, {
      cmd: "read source_path",
      out: "source_content",
    }, {
      // +0
      cmd: "write source_path source_content+0",
    }, {
      cmd: "now",
      out: "Mon Jan 01 00:00:00 MST 2000",
    }, {
      cmd: "build binary",
    }, {
      cmd: "now",
      // +10 seconds
      out: "Mon Jan 01 00:00:10 MST 2000",
    }, {
      cmd: "revert source_path",
    }, {
      // +1
      cmd: "write source_path source_content+1",
    }, {
      cmd: "now",
      out: "Mon Jan 01 00:00:10 MST 2000",
    }, {
      cmd: "build binary",
    }, {
      cmd: "now",
      // +5 seconds
      out: "Mon Jan 01 00:00:15 MST 2000",
    }, {
      cmd: "revert source_path",
    }, {
      cmd: "write result_path [10 5]",
  for _, in := range inputs {
    fake := &FakeRunner{results: in.results}
    bench := Benchmark{Runner: fake}
    if err := bench.Benchmark(
        2 /* numBuilds */); err != nil {
        "Benchmark\n%#v\ngot err %v", in, err)
    if fake.index != len(in.results) {
        "Benchmark\n%#v\nfake.index %d " +
        "too low for len(in.results) %d",
        in, fake.index, len(in.results))

The main downside is that the code becomes less type-safe.

Typed Command Names 🔗

One way to make the code more type-safe is to use typed constants instead of strings for the command names:

type Command int

const (
  Build Command = iota

var (
  commandNames = []string{
    "Build", "Read", "Write", "Now", "Revert"}

func (c Command) String() string {
  if int(c) < len(commandNames) {
    return commandNames[c]
  return fmt.Sprintf("Command(%d)", c)

type Runner interface {
    command Command,
    args ...string) (string, error)

type Benchmark struct {
  Runner Runner

func (b *Benchmark) Benchmark(
    binary string, sourcePath string,
    resultPath string, numBuilds int) error {
  /* ... */

type Fn func(args ...string) (string, error)

type RealRunner struct {
  Delegates map[Command]Fn

func Main() error {
  bench := Benchmark{Runner: &RealRunner{
    Delegates: map[Command]Fn{
      Build: func(
        args ...string) (string, error) {
          /* ... */
      // ...
      // could check that
      // all commands are present
  // these values would come from flags
  return bench.Benchmark(
    "binary", "source_path",
    "result_path", 3 /* numBuilds */)

// compiler
func (b *Benchmark) build(binary string) error {
  _, err := b.Runner.Run(Build, binary)
  return err

// file system
func (b *Benchmark) read(
    path string) (string, error) {
  return b.Runner.Run(Read, path)

// file system
func (b *Benchmark) write(
    path string, content string) error {
  _, err := b.Runner.Run(Write, path, content)
  return err

// time
func (b *Benchmark) now() (time.Time, error) {
  out, err := b.Runner.Run(Now)
  /* ... */

// version control
func (b *Benchmark) revert(path string) error {
  _, err := b.Runner.Run(Revert, path)
  return err

func (r *RealRunner) Run(
    command Command,
    args ...string) (string, error) {
  delegate, ok := r.Delegates[command]
  if !ok {
    return "", fmt.Errorf(
      "no delegate for command %s", command)
  return delegate(args...)

Here it would also be possible to have each command be implemented in a different package and have each implementation register itself in the map of Delegates.

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Updated on 2020 Jul 25.

DISCLAIMER: This is not professional advice. The ideas and opinions presented here are my own, not necessarily those of my employer.