Serving on local machine, with chrome developer tools open, network tab, disable cache, slow 3G, ctrl+shift+r for full refresh.
description | requests | transferred | finish | DOMContentLoaded | Load |
before | 11 | 139KB | 11.06s | 6.30s | 6.32s |
after | 2 | 13.1KB | 2.29s | 2.29s | 2.29s |
change | -81% | -90% | -79% | -63% | -63% |
Accomplished by minimizing favicon, css, js and html.
description | requests | transferred | finish | DOMContentLoaded | Load |
starting point | 11 | 139KB | 11.06s | 6.3s | 6.32s |
removed all css and all js | 3 | 36.3KB | 6.76s | 2.14s | 4.42s |
# minimized favicon | 3 | 7.6KB | 6.2s | 2.14s | 4.16s |
## minified index.html | 3 | 6.2KB | 6.2s | 2.14s | 4.14s |
## minimized index.html (not minified) | 3 | 4KB | 6.2s | 2.14s | 4.14s |
## minimized and minified index.html | 3 | 3.4KB | 6.2s | 2.14s | 4.14s |
removed all js, minimized favicon | 5 | 27.6KB | 6.8s | 2.16s | 4.66s |
# inline main.css | 4 | 27.4KB | 6.73s | 2.16s | 4.63s |
# inline full expanded bootstrap.css | 3 | 152KB | 9.11s | 5.12s | 7.07s |
# inline used expanded bootstrap.css | 3 | 20.7KB | 6.47s | 2.45s | 4.43s |
# inline used minified bootstrap.css | 3 | 19KB | 6.40s | 2.37s | 4.38s |
# inline minimized minified bootstrap.css | 3 | 13.5KB | 6.33s | 2.29s | 4.28s |
minimized favicon and css | 9 | 96.1KB | 10.26s | 5.71s | 5.73s |
# implemented navbar click, removed all js | 3 | 14.6KB | 6.32s | 2.34s | 4.31s |
# minimized navbar click | 3 | 13.4KB | 6.32s | 2.33s | 4.29s |
# minimized index.html | 3 | 12.8KB | 6.32s | 2.31s | 4.29s |
# base64 images | 2 | 13.1KB | 2.29s | 2.29s | 2.29s |
Serving on production, with chrome developer tools open, network tab, disable cache, slow 3G, ctrl+shift+r for full refresh:
description | requests | transferred | finish | DOMContentLoaded | Load |
before | 11 | 112KB | 10.62s | 6.04s | 6.06s |
after | 2 | 4.4KB | 2.12s | 2.12s | 2.12s |
description | Performance grade | Page size | Load time | Requests | Link |
before | 90 | 113.4KB | 566ms | 11 | link |
after | 100 | 4.4KB | 234ms | 1 | link |
description | PageSpeed Score | YSlow Score | Fully Loaded Time | Total Page Size | Requests | Link |
before | 95% | 93% | 0.500s | 108KB | 10 | link |
after | 100% | 100% | 0.240s | 4.46KB | 1 | link |
description | Score | First Contentful Paint | Speed Index | Time to Interactive | First Meaningful Paint | First CPU Idle | Estimated Input Latency | Link |
before | 97 | 1.7s | 1.7s | 3.1s | 1.7s | 3.1s | 10ms | |
after | 100 | 0.8s | 0.8s | 0.8s | 0.8s | 0.8s | 10ms | link |
description | Load Time | First Byte | Start Render | Speed Index | Last Painted Hero | Document Complete (DC) Time | DC Requests | DC Bytes In | Fully Loaded (FL) Time | FL Requests | FL Bytes In | Link |
before | 0.653s | 0.247s | 0.600s | 0.600s | 0.600s | 0.653s | 8 | 89KB | 1.036s | 10 | 106KB | link |
after | 0.342s | 0.248s | 0.300s | 0.300s | 0.300s | 0.342s | 1 | 4KB | 0.342s | 1 | 4KB | link |
requests | transferred | finish | DOMContentLoaded | Load |
11 | 139KB | 11.06s | 6.3s | 6.32s |
Many requests to css and js files.
requests | transferred | finish | DOMContentLoaded | Load |
3 | 36.3KB | 6.76s | 2.14s | 4.42s |
2 requests to favicon.ico (one for logo), image is too big.
$ identify client/assets/img/favicon.ico
client/assets/img/favicon.ico[0] ICO 16x16 16x16+0+0 8-bit sRGB 15406B 0.000u 0:00.010
client/assets/img/favicon.ico[1] ICO 32x32 32x32+0+0 8-bit sRGB 15406B 0.000u 0:00.010
client/assets/img/favicon.ico[2] ICO 48x48 48x48+0+0 8-bit sRGB 15406B 0.000u 0:00.010
$ ls -alt client/assets/img/favicon.ico
-rw-r--r-- 1 kaue eng 15406 Nov 25 15:03 client/assets/img/favicon.ico
Convert to png:
$ convert client/assets/img/favicon.{ico,png}
$ identify client/assets/img/favicon*.png
client/assets/img/favicon-0.png PNG 16x16 16x16+0+0 8-bit sRGB 748B 0.000u 0:00.000
client/assets/img/favicon-1.png PNG 32x32 32x32+0+0 8-bit sRGB 1529B 0.000u 0:00.010
client/assets/img/favicon-2.png PNG 48x48 48x48+0+0 8-bit sRGB 2900B 0.000u 0:00.000
Keep only the smallest:
$ identify client/assets/img/favicon.ico
client/assets/img/favicon.ico PNG 16x16 16x16+0+0 8-bit sRGB 748B 0.000u 0:00.009
$ ls -alt client/assets/img/favicon.ico
-rw-r----- 1 kaue eng 748 Apr 24 17:23 client/assets/img/favicon.ico
Measure again:
requests | transferred | finish | DOMContentLoaded | Load |
3 | 7.6KB | 6.2s | 2.14s | 4.16s |
Now the html is too big.
$ ls -alt server/_site/home/index.html
-rw-r----- 1 kaue eng 5669 Apr 24 17:51 server/_site/home/index.html
minify server/_site/home/index.html > server/_site/home/index.min.html
$ ls -alt server/_site/home/*
-rw-r----- 1 kaue eng 4175 Apr 24 18:18 server/_site/home/index.min.html
-rw-r----- 1 kaue eng 5669 Apr 24 17:51 server/_site/home/index.html
Measure again:
requests | transferred | finish | DOMContentLoaded | Load |
3 | 6.2KB | 6.2s | 2.14s | 4.14s |
Without most of the content:
$ ls -alt server/_site/home/*
-rw-r----- 1 kaue eng 1319 Apr 24 18:23 server/_site/home/index.min.html
-rw-r----- 1 kaue eng 1988 Apr 24 18:22 server/_site/home/index.html
Measure again (without minify):
requests | transferred | finish | DOMContentLoaded | Load |
3 | 4KB | 6.2s | 2.14s | 4.14s |
Measure again (with minify):
requests | transferred | finish | DOMContentLoaded | Load |
3 | 3.4KB | 6.2s | 2.14s | 4.14s |
Each request has 2 seconds of Waiting (TTFB), so not worth optimizing the other 0.2 seconds.
Measure again:
requests | transferred | finish | DOMContentLoaded | Load |
5 | 27.6KB | 6.8s | 2.16s | 4.66s |
Small main.css and large bootstrap.min.css.
-<link rel="stylesheet" href="/assets/css/main.css">
+{% include main.css %}
Measure again:
requests | transferred | finish | DOMContentLoaded | Load |
4 | 27.4KB | 6.73s | 2.16s | 4.63s |
Measure again:
requests | transferred | finish | DOMContentLoaded | Load |
3 | 152KB | 9.11s | 5.12s | 7.07s |
Measure again:
requests | transferred | finish | DOMContentLoaded | Load |
3 | 20.7KB | 6.47s | 2.45s | 4.43s |
Deleted unused css.
Measure again:
requests | transferred | finish | DOMContentLoaded | Load |
3 | 19KB | 6.40s | 2.37s | 4.38s |
Deleted more unused css.
Measure again:
requests | transferred | finish | DOMContentLoaded | Load |
3 | 13.5KB | 6.33s | 2.29s | 4.28s |
Measure again:
requests | transferred | finish | DOMContentLoaded | Load |
9 | 96.1KB | 10.26s | 5.71s | 5.73s |
Requests are jquery.min.js, google analytics (3 requests), bootstrap.min.js, main.js.
Measure again:
requests | transferred | finish | DOMContentLoaded | Load |
3 | 14.6KB | 6.32s | 2.34s | 4.31s |
function navbar_click(i){var t=document.getElementById(i),a='class',b=' in',c=t.getAttribute(a);t.setAttribute(a,c.indexOf(b)==-1?c+b:c.replace(b,''));}
Measure again:
requests | transferred | finish | DOMContentLoaded | Load |
3 | 13.4KB | 6.32s | 2.33s | 4.29s |
Measure again:
requests | transferred | finish | DOMContentLoaded | Load |
3 | 12.8KB | 6.32s | 2.31s | 4.29s |
<link id="favicon" rel="shortcut icon" type="image/" href="data:image/;base64,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">
Measure again:
requests | transferred | finish | DOMContentLoaded | Load |
2 | 13.1KB | 2.29s | 2.29s | 2.29s |